HIGHER PATH Life Coaching
with Rich Wyler, Certified Life Coach
1. What am I willing to do to break through my pornography habit and get “sober”?
Examples: Go to 12 Step meetings weekly or even daily, confess to someone I don’t want to, ask for help, join a support group, go into therapy
2. What am I not (yet) willing to do? (Be honest!)
(Or maybe I’m just hoping I won’t have to do it, so I’m not yet willing to try.)
Examples: Give up Internet access, give up my smart phone, put an Internet filter on my phone or computer, let my wife know what’s really going on, etc.
3. What do I know (or strongly believe) will work to help break my porn habit?
Examples: Working the 12 Steps, reporting to accountability partners daily, etc.
4. What do I believe won’t work, won’t help or won’t be necessary to help break my porn habit?
Examples: Working the 12 Steps, reporting to accountability partners daily, giving up my smart phone, giving up Internet access, etc.
5. What could I do to “become willing to do whatever it takes”?
Examples: Pray to become willing, practice the surrender principle, learn about how others have done “whatever it takes,” take uncomfortable risks, etc.