HIGHER PATH Life Coaching
with Rich Wyler, Certified Life Coach

"I coach highly motivated men to become more self-confident and successful in life, relationships and work. I especially work with men who want help aligning their sexual feelings and behaviors with their faith, values and life goals."
Become the next better version of YOU!
Build Self-Confidence, Assertiveness & Self-Esteem
“Well that’s just the way I am” is an oft-heard claim today. As if the only road to self-esteem is to disavow any effort at self-improvement. After all: “I was born this way.”
In reality, self-acceptance and personal growth are not opposites; they are complements. Self-worth is actually the foundation of growth. We seek change not because we are broken or bad. But because we deserve better.
The power to live a more dynamic, fulfilling life already resides in you. Your challenge is to recognize and access your most empowered, affirming self and put that part of you at the forefront of your life.
Break Free from Pornography
If you've tried repeatedly to eliminate pornography from your life, but you keep going back to it -- despite promises to yourself and others -- it's time to try something different.
Most men find they can't break the habit alone. And for many, 12 Step programs alone are not enough. They need to uncover the underlying fears and unmet needs that are driving their self-destructive behaviors. They need more "heart power," not more willpower. And that's when they see lasting change.
Challenge the "Stories" (Self-Talk)
Holding You Back
We all make judgments (or tell ourselves "stories") about other people's thoughts and intentions -- and about how things "should" be. But do the stories you tell yourself bring peace and motivation or cause distress and inertia?
Don't believe everything you think! You get to decide which thoughts (stories) to listen to and which to detach from. Being at peace with people as they are, and the world as it is, begins with managing your own thought life.
If Your Sexual Attractions Conflict
with Your Faith, Values, & Goals...
You may think you're alone, but you're not. You may think you don't have options, but you do. You may think there is no way to resolve the internal conflict, but there is.
Despite what many gay activitists will tell you, the reality is that many men and women have in fact found positive, self-affirming, empowering alternatives to embracing a gay identity and living a gay life.
You get to decide what to believe and how to live your life. Consider working with an experienced life coach who "gets" you, who has been where you are now and who will respect your faith, values and life choices.

As a life coach, I'm part mentor, part teacher, part sounding board, part accountability partner and part cheerleader. I'm trained in active listening and asking powerful questions to help YOU find your own answers within. Since 2005, I've coached hundreds of men and women around the world.
I'm also a skilled seminar leader who has spent thousands of hours since 2002 facilitating experiential self-discovery and emotional-healing workshops throughout the U.S. and in England, Poland and Israel.
I'm the founder and executive director of a non-profit, peer-support organization for men who experience same-sex attractions but who prefer not to identify as gay or to engage in gay relationships.
I hold a Bachelor's degree in Communications (Public Relations) from Brigham Young University. I worked in corporate communications for 20 years before turning my passion and talent for facilitating personal-growth and healing work into my life's work. I became a certified life coach through the Coach Training Alliance in 2008. I am a husband, a father, and a man of faith.
Contact me at richwyler@gmail.com or 1-434-227-9346 (mobile phone, Eastern U.S. time zone)

Life coaching is not therapy, and I am not a therapist. A life coach does not diagnose or treat disorders. Therapy is for those who are primarily seeking relief from emotional or psychological pain. Therapy typically focuses on healing the wounds of the past.
Coaching is different. Life coaching focuses primarily on the present and the future. Coaching is for those who are emotionally and mentally healthy but ready to grow,
change, and experience greater success and happiness in life, work and relationships. The coach's goal is to support you, the client, in overcoming whatever obstacles may be keeping you from creating the happiest, most successful life for yourself that you possibly can.
You are the world's expert on your own life, your feelings and values. Your coach is there to listen, make observations, ask powerful questions, and hold up a mirror to help you see what you may not see in yourself. A good coach will challenge you, partner with you and believe in you. He'll take you just as you are right now -- and partner with you to make your vision for your life a reality.
To learn more about the professional of Life Coaching, visit www.coachfederation.org.